What To Do With Dog’s Toothbrush

We are sharing an informative email correspondence:

Someone I know stores the used toothbrush from dog in the dish drain silverware holder next to sink. Pretty sick. What do u think?

Hi, Rosanne.

A pet’s toothbrush should be rinsed in alcohol or a Listerine type product after use which is not a bad thing to do with our own personal brushes. At the very least all toothbrushes should be thoroughly washed off with tap water every time you use them and be sure the brush has a chance to dry thoroughly between brushings. Avoid using toothbrush covers because they can create a moist enclosed breeding ground for bacteria. Any toothbrush should be stored in a holder, rather than lying it down, and it never should touch another toothbrush. That goes for any toothbrush be it people’s or pet’s. Studies have found that toothbrushes of both healthy and oral diseased adults become heavily contaminated with normal use with pathogenic bacteria from the dental plaque and the environment. Soaking the toothbrush in Listerine for 20 minutes prior to and after brushing decreases the microbial load significantly. In short, ALL toothbrushes deserve extra care for good hygiene and health.

Hope that helps you out.

See our web pages on Care of Your Dog’s Teeth
and Cleaning Your Dog’s Teeth

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Shih Tzu Tear Staining

We are sharing an informative email correspondence:

Hi, my name is Katie. I came across one of your articles and figured you are the perfect person to ask. I have a 4 year old shih tzu that we adopted.  We have been told antacids help with the tear staining. However, my Peanut won’t eat an antacid no matter what we do. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Hi, Katie.

Start with giving Peanut distilled water, keep a supply in the fridge to replenish the drinking water as needed. Once your Peanut has acclimated to the water change, you might try one additional step by adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 6-8 ounces of distilled water. NOTE it must be the unfiltered kind with the “mother” still in it. It is easily found in most health food stores and better markets in the natural foods section. Hint, read about it — it is good for us bi-peds, too. Braggs is one brand you might see. The ACV will help change the internal ph, and will help prevent the staining.

Next, you can then go and purchase a bottle of “No More Tears shampoo” and apply just one drop and we mean one drop on a cotton ball into warm water and gently rub those stains below your fur kid’s eyes. Then dip another cotton ball in just warm water and wipe away the remains of the baby shampoo, then follow that up with a regular baby wipe.  With a week’s worth of daily cleanings you should very well see a noticeable difference. And by changing to distilled water this problem will be greatly minimized if not eliminated.

Now, please do not think you can use the same shampoo to bathe your Peanut because you should not. Your Peanut has a different Ph to her skin than that product is made for. People shampoo is not for dogs. Additionally, diet is important. It is not good for your Peanut to eat anything but high quality food without lots of artificial stuff and preservatives. Not only will a poor quality diet contribute to this problem it is bad for your fur kid’s health in the long run.

Hope we have helped you, and the cost to you for our effort will be to give your Peanut an enjoyable scratch from us and much love from you.

See our web page on Dog Tear Stains

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Best Friends…

Paula Y., a loyal CalloftheDog subscriber, sent us this post. It is so adorable we felt it should be shared with everyone. Enjoy!

After losing his parents, this 3 year old orangutan was so depressed he wouldn’t eat and didn’t respond to any medical treatments. The veterinarians thought he would surely die from sadness.

The zoo keepers found an old sick dog on the grounds in the park at the zoo where the orangutan lived and took the dog to the animal treatment center. The dog arrived at the same time the orangutan was there being treated…

The 2 lost souls met and have been inseparable ever since.

The orangutan found a new reason to live and each always tries his best to be a good companion to his new found friend.

They are together 24 hours a day in all their activities.

They live in Northern California where swimming is their favorite past time, although Roscoe (the orangutan) is a little afraid of the water and needs his friend’s help to swim.

Together they have discovered the joy and laughter in life and the value of friendship.

They have found more than a friendly shoulder to lean on.

Long Live Friendship !!

Some say life is too short, others say it is too long, but we know that nothing that we do makes sense if we don’t touch the hearts of others… while it lasts !

May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, And Friends who Care…..even if they are a little hairy at times.

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Make Sure


Dog Flu

Yes, dogs can get the flu, referred to as a “canine influenza virus.” It is a contagious respiratory disease caused by a specific Type A influenza virus H3N8, originally an equine (horse) influenza virus, not a human influenza virus, and has been around for more than 40 years and is now able to spread between dogs.  However, as was reported by a recent case in Westchester, New York, even a strain that was first thought to not be contagious to our pets as was the case with the strain of H1N1, other pets, including cats and ferrets, have caught the strain from humans, veterinarians say.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is rare for pets to spread flu viruses, and people should not be afraid to enjoy their animals. Similar to the human form, canine flu is a contagious respiratory disease in dogs which is thought to be a mainly airborne virus, most likely transmitted by an infected dog coughing or sneezing on another. Canine flu is most often associated with dogs housed in a high-density population, such as a boarding kennel.

Canine flu can be transmitted via direct contact with respiratory secretions from infected dogs, contact with contaminated objects, and by people moving between infected and uninfected dogs. From time of exposure to symptoms is estimated to be 2 -5 days.

In otherwise healthy dogs, statistics show that the canine flu is a fairly mild disease for about 80 percent of dogs, with most dogs recovering completely in two to three weeks. However, a small proportion of dogs can develop severe disease characterized by the onset of pneumonia. So, what are the symptoms you should watch for in your dog?

  • Persistent, moist cough including sneezing and/or difficulty in breathing
  • Low-grade fever 103F or as high as 106F.
  • Healthy pinkish gums indicate proper blood flow and adequate oxygen. Any other gum color may indicate a fever or other problems.
  • Check dog’s eyes. If they are cloudy and your dog doesn’t have eye problems normally, your pet may be feeling sick.
  • Nasal discharge.
  • If secondary bacterial pneumonia develops, signs of illness may include loss of appetite, fever or depression.

How can you help avoid exposure for your dog? Here are some tips for prevention and avoiding exposure:

  • Watch for news of canine influenza outbreaks in your area.
  • Use dog parks, grooming facilities, and kennels that you know well — contact them in advance to a visit if there is an outbreak in your area to inquire about any recent occurrences of respiratory illnesses in dogs under their care.
  • Clothing, equipment, surfaces, and hands should be cleaned and disinfected after exposure to dogs showing signs of respiratory disease.
  • Avoid contact with other dogs displaying any of the symptoms above, especially coughing/sneezing.
  • If your dog is exhibiting symptoms, contact your veterinarian — he or she is best qualified and equipped to make a diagnosis.

Treatment largely consists of supportive care in an effort to boost immune response.

Your veterinarian may suggest medication to make your pet more comfortable, along with fluids to ensure that your dog remains well-hydrated. It’s important that your dog continues to eat regularly and drink lots of water; if  little desire is shown to do one or the other, add some water or broth to food and mix the food up to give a bit of added incentive to eat and drink. Broad spectrum antibiotics may be prescribed if a secondary bacterial infection is suspected. Should antibiotics be necessary, you need to strongly consider more than ever the addition of probiotics to protect your pet with enzyme level support to counter damage to the immune and digestive system caused by destruction to the natural beneficial bacteria of the gut. (Check out our web page on Probiotics For Dogs.)

Because canine flu is new to dogs, most dogs won’t have a natural immunity, so their best defense against the flu is a healthy immune system. >>CLICK HERE<< for some great products that offer the immune support your dog needs.

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If Your Dog Has Cancer or Doesn’t Have Cancer, Things You Need to Know

Cancer in our canines and felines has gotten way out-of-hand, becoming an epidemic and the leading cause of non-accidental death in dogs. Your dog has a greater than 1 in 2 chance of developing cancer. Veterinarians talk about it in their own professional community, and now pet guardians are becoming more aware.

You need to know how to detect cancer in your dog.

35 million dogs alive today in the United States already have or will develop cancer. Dogs are 2 times more likely to develop leukemia than humans, 4 times more likely to suffer breast cancer, and 8 times more likely to develop bone cancer.

You need to know how to prevent cancer in your dog.

Yes, genetics and stress play a role but we can’t ignore factors in our environment such as over-exposure to the sun, toxicity of  flea and tick chemicals, household cleaning chemicals, and the #1 culprit making our fur children sick and stricken with cancer – most of the beautifully packaged and heavily advertised Commercial Dog Food.

We are seeing disease conditions in animals that we did not see years ago.

Many of these conditions may be traced to the nutrition source. The unquestionable tremendous rise in cancer in our dogs has been documented by many reputable sources to be almost entirely due to the toxic ingredients commonly used in pet food and pet treats.

The vast majority of commercially processed foods that are being fed to our dogs and cats are also responsible for the increasing numbers of pets not only suffering from cancer but also from arthritis, obesity, dental disease and heart disease.

If you are dealing with cancer with your dog…

…you need to know how cancer affects your dog’s body. You need to know the best mainstream treatment options, their costs and outcomes, the specific nutrients a dog with cancer requires since requirements are very different from those of a healthy dog, and you need to have a collection of recipes specifically designed for feeding a dog with cancer that will help with recovery from surgery or chemotherapy.

You Don’t Have to Leave Everything to Your Vet; You Can Personally Make a Huge Difference. The Complete Canine Cancer SECRETS Package will Show You Exactly How. AND..you get a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee.

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Heat Stroke in Dogs – It Can Be Fatal – What You Need to Know

Summer has arrived, and before anything happens we want you to be reminded. A most dangerous condition is heat stroke. Make no mistake, heat stroke can be fatal. The shortest interval between exposure to high heat extremes and death is about 20 minutes.

All mammals can suffer from heat related illness that include heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps. Don’t let your dog become a statistic by being one of the many that will suffer from heat related illnesses. With common sense and proper precaution, a tragedy by falling victim to heat related illness can be avoided.

A high body temperature measured rectally of 105 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit can cause lethargy, weakness, collapse or coma. Body temperatures over 107 Fahrenheit are a critical emergency. Organ damage occurs at this temperature and most dogs won’t drink water at this stage of heat stroke. It isn’t a good idea to spend time trying to get them to. At the first signs of serious heat distress, cool the dog immediately with cool or tepid water but not really cold water. If ice packs are available, apply to areas where circulation is very good, such as the “armpits”, stomach or neck. Blowing air over the dog with a fan as you cool it off with water can be helpful but it is most important to go quickly to the veterinarian.

Most people don’t carry around thermometers. However, the physical signs of heat stroke in dogs are usually enough to go by.

  • Panting
  • Hyperventilation (deep breathing)
  • Salivation early then dry gums as heat prostration sets in
  • Staring
  • Anxious expression
  • Refusal to obey commands
  • Warm, dry skin
  • High fever
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea and sometimes bleeding
  • Body collapse

High body temperatures develop from increased activity without rapid enough ability to dissipate and give off heat due to high heat and humidity or respiratory obstruction. Brachiocephalic (pug-nosed) dogs, overweight dogs, very young dogs and older dogs are most at risk.

  • To the best of your ability, keep pets indoors in a comfortable environment during extreme weather conditions.
  • Keep pets in well-ventilated areas.
  • Give your pet plenty of fresh cool water, and leave water in cool or shady areas.
  • Be sure that puppies and kittens drink adequate amounts.
  • Heat-related illness often occurs in the spring when your pet is not yet used to the new warmer temperatures; allow your pet to acclimate especially when traveling to a hotter climate.
  • Limit sun exposure during the peak mid-day heat hours.
  • Minimize exercise in hot weather.
  • Exercise in early morning or late in the evening (the coolest times of the day).

Don’t leave your pet in a car for any reason at any time – ever! If your dog can’t come with you when you leave the car, leave the dog home.  The car can become a death trap on a mild sunny day, and temperature can insidiously rise to well above 120 degrees. On a hot day, a car can heat up to 160 degrees in minutes!

If you haven’t seen some of the innovative solutions to the serious problem of heat dangers, take a look and you might want to avail your pet of modern thermoregulating technology, cooling jackets and cooling pet beds.

canine cooler smallCool_Bed_III SMALLERCanine Cooler 3 SIZES

Cool Bed III 3 SIZES

cool k-9 smallCool K-9 3 SIZES

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RapidBath, Dog Grooming, Dog Hygiene and You

Good hygiene is key in protecting your dog, your family and yourself against illness and disease. Your dog may appear clean, but considering what your pet can come in contact with on a daily basis, it may not be as clean as you think. It’s best to make sure it’s really clean.

Good grooming is essential. A daily brushing is beneficial to both coat and skin but if time does not allow, at least two to three times a week should be made time for. But, that’s not all.

Keep in Mind… You Also Wash Up During the Day

Wiping down your dog’s coat and especially paws with a damp clean cloth after being outside is a good practice to follow. For the paws, a little mild soap and water with a washcloth is not a bad idea. This will also assist in keeping allergens to a lesser level.

Many pets need regular bathing. Others need it periodically. Bathe your pet only when its coat gets dirty or begins to get that “doggy” odor. Bathing your dog every month or two isn’t unreasonable; however, some dogs need more frequent cleanings. Determining factors include coat length and thickness, whether your pet spends most of its time indoors or out, your pet’s shedding cycle, and if there are any skin issues that need to be addressed.

If You Dread Giving Your Dog a Bath, Read to the Bottom, We Have Good News

Before bathing, comb and brush out all mats. Otherwise, when they become wet, the mats turn into solid masses, which will require clippers to remove. Matted hair resulting from pine sap, paint, tar or other things sticky, trim with clippers or soak the matted hair with vegetable or mineral oil for 24 hours.

Before bathing, a drop of mineral oil in the eyes to protect them from suds, and cotton balls in the ears, are good precautions to consider. Be sure the cotton balls are the right size for your dog’s ears and not too small where they can slip down the ear canal if they become damp.

There is a shampoo and conditioner for every type of hair or coat for dogs and cats. Shampoo and conditioners formulated for people are too harsh for your pet’s delicate skin. Its skin differs in pH from humans, and most human shampoos are designed to strip hair and skin of oil. Use of these products not formulated for your pets can result in a dry, flaky coat for your pet, and can create an itchy skin condition.

A key to successful bathing is to make very sure you rinse your pet thoroughly to eliminate all residues. Even when it seems like the product is rinsed out, rinse again.

Never wash your dog outside if the weather is cold. This is especially true for puppies, that should be at least four weeks old before they receive their first bath.

Good News. Here is a Way to Make Bathing Your Dog MUCH Easier.

We want to tell you about a product that can make the actual bathing process MUCH easier. So much easier in fact that even the kids can do it. Honestly!


RapidBath for a Rapid and Easy Bath!

The product is called RapidBath®. It is offered at a very special price at our CalloftheDogShop.com, making it a really good deal.

Not Just a Nozzle That Sprays Water

The RapidBath Pet Bathing System is an all-in-one wet, wash and rinse dog bathing solution. By simply holding  the hose,  RapidBath’s three cleaning cycles thoroughly wet, wash and rinse your dog. During the “wash” cycle, RapidBath releases a specially formulated shampoo into the water stream to create a powerful cleansing solution that’s good for your dog’s coat and skin.

Penetrates Down to the Skin to Remove Dirt and Dander.

RapidBath is a state-of-the-art power-wash system that uses the same powerful washing technology found in professional dog-grooming tools to wet, wash and rinse your dog in about 3 minutes, penetrating down to the skin to remove dirt and dander. And, all you do is point the hose.

Use With Any Standard Showerhead or Garden Hose Indoors or Out.

This amazing product cleans all the way through your dog’s coat down to its skin, removing even hidden dirt and debris. It gets your dog really clean. And, ultimately saves you time and aggravation.

Product Features:

  • Handheld RapidBath Device
  • Professional Indoor/Outdoor Hose
  • Universal Shower Adapter
  • 1 FREE Ultra Clean Shampoo Cartridge

Dogs Just Love It.

Most dogs enjoy it because they love the relaxing massage action of the power spray against their skin. With a little preparation and the right tools, bathing your dog can actually be a fun bonding experience.

This is an excellent product, and it could make bath time much easier for you, so if you’re interested, please (Click Here)

Related Topics: Dog Grooming & Washing Your Dog

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Your Dog is Eating Poop — Want to Know WHY and the Solution?

Does your dog eat its feces, or sometimes the poop of other dogs? We want you to have the tips and understanding for the solutions. There are many factors that can contribute to the reason for stool eating. It’s not an accident, and it can be prevented by solving the problem as to why. Often, a multiple target approach is best in eliminating or reducing the habit.

Coprophagia is Common in Canines

The correct term for the feces consumption problem is Coprophagia. It’s difficult to pinpoint an exact cause in every case; however, it’s surprisingly common in canines and especially pets eating commercial pet food and treats. The compulsion may be driven by a vitamin deficiency, intestinal parasite infestation, or the development of pancreatic problems or other serious health issues.

Nutrition Deficiency is Possible

It is vital for the health of your dog, just as it is for humans, to be fed the most nutritious, highest quality food possible for the dog’s age and breed, and to accommodate any medical issues. One of the reasons why a dog will consume poop is because it’s not getting enough nutrients from its food, so it may be attracted to its feces in search of those missing nutrients or minerals.

Quality Food and a Quality Vitamin Supplement with Digestive Enzymes are Key

We hope you are not feeding conventional food because a non-natural food contains a lot of empty calories in the form of grains and fillers which can pose many dangers including digestion problems as well as future health problems. Digestive enzymes are recommended in any case for optimal nutrition absorption and especially if you suspect digestion issues; try supplementing with an all natural, high quality vitamin and mineral supplement that contains digestive enzymes to help the digestive process as well as help prevent the most common dog diseases. (Click Here) Ultimate Canine Health Formula (Click Here)

Are you meeting Your Dog’s Natural Requirements?

A very hungry dog may turn to eating stool if it doesn’t have access to food. Be sure your pet not only is fed a quality natural diet, but fed on a regular consistent basis just as you would for any living being dependent on you. Eating stool may also be an indication your pet wants to eat more frequently.

Is Your Pet Too Confined for Too Long?

Housekeeping is important; your pet does not want to live with filth. If your dog is confined or restricted to a small area, including a crate or a kennel, it instinctually may try to take care of its space. (Read about dog crate training… Click Here)

A Sensible Training Approach is Needed — Not Punishment

It is not appropriate and is counter productive to punish your dog for pooping in an inappropriate place. When a dog defecates indoors, it is usually because it is unable to hold it and might eat it to stop you from getting angry. It is every dog guardian’s responsibility to see to it that the dog has adequate opportunity and place to relieve itself. If your dog needs housetraining help, the sensible and effective approach is to teach the dog instead of punish it.

Parasites and Worms Must Be Ruled Out

Parasites or worms if present in your dog’s digestive system can be a cause for Coprophagia. Parasites can suck nutrients out of your dog, compelling it to such behavior to regain nutrient loss and to compensate for feeling hungry. The best way to diagnose worms in a pet is to have a fecal exam performed by your veterinarian.

Natural Remedies Can Help With Stress

Stress will drive animals to do odd things and that includes eating poop. Anxiety, nervousness, upset, loneliness and boredom may very well trigger such behavior. If you, the guardian, are the cause of the emotional stress it is important to be aware and modify your routines or behavior for the sake your dog’s well-being. If other influences are at play, it is important to try to identify the causes. Natural remedies, such as Pet Phero-Soothe, which simulate the “scent” of natural pheromones that carry a calming message are available to help ease your dog’s stress level, thus helping pets relax and feel at ease. (Click Here) To View the Full Selection (Click Here)

Of Course, There Are other Possible Reasons

Dogs learn by observing the behavior of other dogs, as well as from you who represents their pack leader. When you clean up after your dog, the dog will sometimes try to mimic the behavior so it becomes a training issue.

In some cases, your dog will eat poop the same as it will try to eat almost anything, including poop. Dogs explore the world through taste and smell, much more than humans. Some dogs have instincts to carry stuff in their mouths and that can include stool. It is also true that certain breeds are also more susceptible to the habit than others.

In households with multiple dogs where dominance and submission is a factor, some dogs will eat the poop of other, more dominant dogs. This is not usual but can happen.

Unfortunately, some dogs simply like the taste of poop. It doesn’t make sense to most people. However, some dogs associate poop with food they were given as puppies, being it’s warm and moist, confusing them about what is food and what is not.

A dog protecting her puppies will instinctually eat the puppy waste to hide the poop from predators. Getting ride of it keeps her puppies safe by not revealing their existence.

It is common for many puppies to taste and try to eat feces. Don’t let the pups engage in the habit, and they won’t develop a taste for excrement.

Supervise during bathroom time, remove it immediately and re-direct any potential interest in the dog’s waste to something else.

To Sum it All Up

Feed a nutrient-packed balanced diet. Foods such as pineapple, spinach and pumpkin give your dog’s poop a repugnant taste and smell, reducing the likelihood it’ll eat it. Provide lots of exercise, and quality interaction with your dog. Keep your pets’ living spaces, crates, kennels and yard clean. Don’t confine your dog for long periods of time. And, make wellness exams at your veterinarian for a health checkup a priority.

Use the recommended all natural product, formulated to deter dogs from eating their own stool, which contains vitamins, enzymes, and botanical ingredients to address factors that may be contributing to your dog’s “adventurous snacking”. It can also deter dogs from eating the stool of other dogs in the household when administered to all the family canines. It will help put a stop to your dog’s unpleasant and potentially dangerous stool-eating habit. (Click Here)  Pet Stool Eating Deterrent (Click Here)

Maintain the best chance for good health as well as help prevent the most common dog diseases with a high quality, natural supplement for the necessary balance of vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes (Click Here) Ultimate Canine Health Formula (Click Here)

Consult a quality training program so you can master being recognized as the alpha dog by your dog, in a proper, emotionally healthy way. You want your dog to love and respect you but not fear you. (Click Here) Secrets to Dog Training (Click Here)

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Healing Powers of Flower Essence and Homeopathy for Our Pets

If you have not heard about the healing powers of homeopathy and flower essences by now, it is time to become aware. Homeopathy and flower essences are two alternative approaches to healing that can be very effective for people as well as dogs and cats by eliminating the underlying imbalance in the body that is causing unwanted symptoms.

Homeopathic medicine is a clinical-pharmaceutical system founded on the principle “simila similibus curentur” which translated means “like cures like” and uses micro-doses of substances derived from plants, minerals, or animals for the purposes of stimulating the natural healing response.

Many Behavioral Issues Can Be Treated With Flower Essence

All of us who are very connected with our canine and feline family members understand that they too have active mental and emotional life situations to cope with, and we also understand that they can also develop behavioral and even physical problems that have roots in emotional stress.

Some of the stress-related conditions that affect our fur children include asthma, urinary tract problems, conjunctivitis, and gastrointestinal upset (vomiting and/or diarrhea). That is not to say that there aren’t other possible underlying physical causes for these diseases, but it is acknowledged that it is more than possible that acute flare-ups very often have roots in emotional stress.

By this time in our medical enlightenment, we now realize that by utilizing the power of essences, we can go a long way to restore our pets’ energy balance, which in turn can often help with the physical ailments as well.

Achieve Emotional and Mental Balance for Your Pet Family Members

The most wonderful thing about homeopathic remedies is that they are non-toxic and non-addictive. Introduced in the U.S. in 1825, homeopathy is practiced worldwide, and is most popular in Europe, South America and India. The healing properties of homeopathic flower preparations work primarily with emotional and mental imbalance, as opposed to purely physical imbalance.

The healing benefits were first brought to our awareness by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s. His research identified 38 homeopathic flower remedies that show to stabilize and heal in seven broad categories pertaining to emotion: fear, uncertainty, lack of interest in life circumstances, loneliness and despair, oversensitivity to circumstances and ideas. Dr. Bach is credited and recognized for the development of his well- known Rescue Remedy, a combination of five flower essences, proven to be extremely effective in instantly reducing the effects of stress and trauma.

A fascinating Area of Science Offering Simple Solutions to Real Problems

The healing powers of flower essence and homeopathy is a fascinating area of medical science. By now in this brief overview and explanation, a positive outcome would be if your interest has been stimulated enough to explore the many wonderful benefits and solutions to real problems.

Essence — Very Easy to Give, Safe with All Other Treatments, Can’t Be Over-Used

Anxiety and stress are common health conditions that both our dogs and cats experience. Flower essences, homeopathy, herbal remedies, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, and essential oils should all be utilized for the intended purpose of being helpful when needed in easing anxiety in pets stemming from thunderstorms, separation anxiety, travel, grieving, nervousness, hyperactivity, shock, fear, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, chronic barking, litter box avoidance and other environmental and emotional stressors.

We urge you to take a look at the selection of homeopathic remedies if for no other reason to become aware and familiar with the various preparations and their intended purposes for present or future possible solutions should the need arise.

You can view the complete selection of homeopathic remedies by Clicking Here…

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