Archive for January, 2009

Pets and Cancer – give the best chance to prevent or survive it

A Weakened Immune System Leads To Cancer…

A Strong Immune System Seeks Out and Destroys Cancer Cells

Almost half of our pets will die of cancer. That is staggering. Considering all the advancements made in the war on this insidious disease, the incidence of cancer has been on the rise for years claiming the lives of our canines and felines.

Contributing to this explosion are the excessive amounts of toxins and pollutants that are all around us and our more susceptible pets and that tax the immune system. Included is poor quality food that’s full of pesticides; chemicals; and chlorinated and fluoridated water. According to the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, “Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.” According to the National Toxicology Program, “the preponderance of evidence” from laboratory in vitro studies indicates that fluoride is a mutagen, meaning a compound that can cause genetic damage. Electromagnetic contributors are also included among the challenges that weren’t here 200 years ago to weaken the immune system, while altering the internal environment of the body and rendering conducive the creation of too many free radicals and excessive numbers of cancerous cells.

What can you do? Make every attempt to prevent it in the first place.

If the worst should happen, treat it with not only the conventional means (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) but nutritionally at the source where things went wrong. Natural supplements won’t hurt. They can only help. They won’t make chemotherapy or radiation therapy less effective but will amplify the power of the cancer treatments, attacking cancer by supporting the health of the body and immune system.

If there is one thing we have learned for certain, diet plays an important role in maintaining healthy cell structure and the ability for the body to repair damaged cells.

Generally speaking, when the subject of fast food enters our conversation we are not referring to the highest of quality nutrition. We may eat it from time to time, but we realize it is not what will allow us to be healthy if that is the continuous basis for our diet. You will survive but you would be putting your quality of life and health at risk if you consume poor quality nutrition over the long run.

The poor quality pet foods are the equivalent of your companion having fast foods day in and day out. They can survive but you are increasing their risk for disease and a shortened life span, along with additional medical expense.

What you think is more expensive is proven time and again to be the best value in the long run. Always feed the very best balanced quality you can. A premium quality holistic diet void of artificial colors and including only natural preservatives should be the standard to use. Some dogs and cats thrive on a raw food diet, with the proper precautions. Their digestive system was designed to process raw food so this is a great option.

When cooked, irradiated and processed food is eaten, the enzymes have been killed; the food does not predigest in the upper stomach; when it reaches the lower stomach the pancreas must make extra enzymes to try to break down the food. Partially digested food is treated as a toxin, causing the immune system to try to get rid of it. This puts an additional strain on the already overworked immune system. Studies show the immune system treats the ingestion of cooked food as a toxin causing white blood cells to increase in an attempt to get rid of it as fast as possible. The result is the food is only partially digested.

This makes giving a good quality enzyme supplement with meals very important.

Cancer cells thrive on carbohydrates and proteins; refined carbohydrates digest quickly metabolizing like sugar, and cancer cells love sugar. Carbohydrates feed the cancer, but the cancer can’t grow as fast with fats. Certain veterinary diets have been designed for this, but you can also make your own low carbohydrate, high-fat cancer diet.

In cats, vaccine associated sarcoma is a very real risk. When it comes to our dogs, the vaccines continually stimulate the immune system, and to an older dog this may bring on unintended consequences of cancer. Only vaccinate your pet for diseases it is likely to get if not vaccinated, and only give the vaccine boosters as often as needed. As a generality, most pets can likely go without ANY vaccines past the age of 10

As with people, regular exercise is important for your pet and will help prevent cancer. It keeps the body weight lower, and causes the release of relaxing stress hormones, called endorphins.

Next to diet, THE most important thing is a quality supplement for your pet’s diet. The Omega 3 essential fatty acids should be added to EVERY pet’s diet; in fact, FATTY ACIDS ARE Of VITAL IMPORTANCE AND ESSENTIAL. Omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatories shown to prevent the spread of cancer.

Flax is the best source for dogs. For cats, the liquid form is the only option, and they should receive it twice daily, in the form of salmon oil or a supplement such as EFA caps, which can be purchased from your veterinarian.

FLAVONOIDS. These are compounds in a class of their own. They are antioxidants as well as having anti-cancer properties. These include flavones (apigenin), isoflavones (genistein), and flavanols (quercitin). Purchase a mixed bioflavonoid product that contains polyphenols, particularly EGCG (epigallocatechin-gallate), which is the specific flavonoid isolated from green tea.

ANTIOXIDIZE. Antioxidants have been shown to slow the growth and spread of some types of cancer. Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium are the most effective ones.

BOVINE COLOSTRUM. Colostrum is so complex and the benefits are so exciting and widespread we are only beginning to understand how it all works and all the beneficial possibilities. Scientific studies reveal colostrum may help prevent certain types of cancers and….

1. Maintains a healthy gastrointestinal tract, the key to a disease-free life

2. Maintains nutrient absorption at a peak rate

3. Accelerates healing of body tissues

4. Facilitates increase of bone mass

5. Excess body fat is burned off while lean muscle tissue grows

6. Newly found energy replaces fatigue and lethargy

7. Supports vital factors for your body’s ability to heal itself

8. Protects against infections and common health problems that people accept living with

9. Unsurpassed immune system stimulation and modulation

10. Antioxidant and anti-aging properties that keep you younger longer

11. Beneficial treatment for diabetes by balancing blood sugar levels

12. Ameliorates or completely eliminates symptoms of cryptosporidiosis

13. Controls acute and chronic diarrhea

Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Canine Health Formula was created with Cancer Prevention in Mind-

It combines a daily dose of Essential Fatty Acids, Immunstimulants, and Antioxidants which will HELP PREVENT cancer in your dog in the first place. You can get a Trial bottle sent to your house by >>CLICKING HERE NOW<<

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Lymphoma In Dogs

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Safety L.E.D. Lighted Dog Collars – not a fashion statement

If you read our About Us page on, you will have read about a wonderful and thoughtful man that we thanked for seeing to it that the custom designed wheelchair for our furry companion, Rusty, had a safety light. That wheelchair was Rusty’s rear legs in the twilight of his life, and the safety light was of vital importance to keep us safe, evidenced by the slowing of oncoming cars or their giving wider distance to us upon seeing the reflection when the sun went down on our walks.

It may sound obvious but this is something that is important and worth the reminder. It can be life saving to be more visible than otherwise in any light and at any time of day, but it is imperative in the fading daylight and dark.

Bright colors, reflective collars and a bright or flashing light can make all the difference in the world when it comes to your safety.

An illuminated collar is a tremendous defensive precaution against getting hit by passing vehicles when driver visibility is not at its best.

Our first-hand knowledge from experience puts us in the position to tell you that such protection is money well spent to protect you and your dog.

We set out to find the perfect solution and feel we have found it at a price everyone can afford.

The PupLight is the brightest lighted dog collar available. It is the best lighted dog collar your dog can wear, with 3 LED’s while offering 8-way protection:

• Lighted Dog Collars Keep pets safe from automobiles
• Lighted Dog Collars Allow you to see potential hazards
• Lighted Dog Collars Locate your dog when he is off leash
• Lighted Dog Collars Locate lost dogs
• Lighted Dog Collars Provides light on walks to avoid injuries
• Lighted Dog Collars Detour unfriendly dogs
• Lighted Dog Collars Frighten away wild animals
• Added visibility reduces likelihood of walker being assaulted

No more need to carry a flashlight as the PupLight provides enough light for you and your dog. The PupLight provides up to 200 feet forward and 70 feet to the side. You will have no trouble seeing where you step and what your dog is getting into! The PupLight provides safety while camping or just playing in the backyard. Use it yourself while walking, jogging, biking, boating or camping. It’s the perfect addition to your pet’s nightlife.

• Lighted Dog Collar – One size fits all dogs
• Band extension can be removed for small or toy breeds
• Lighted Dog Collar with 3 ultra white LED’s
• 2″ x 2″ collar clip positions light below dog’s head
• Lighted Dog Collar is water resistant and durable
• Rim keeps light out of dog’s eyes
• Casing is small, lightweight, only 2.5 oz
• Easy to replace AAA batteries
• PupLight is hinged and can rotate 180 degrees
• Light remains bright even after 24 hours of use

Safety is everyone’s business and it should be everyone’s first concern.

Available in Red, Black, Silver and Blue.


It can happen and it does…

According to national statistics, there are over 800,000 people bitten by dogs every year. There are no such statistics compiled for how many dogs are bitten every year but be assured that number must be in the millions!

Besides diarrhea and vomiting, dog bites are among the top reasons why pet parents seek treatment at veterinary emergency rooms.

Don’t be shocked if the situation arises. Not all people are going to like each other and the same holds true for dogs. It does not mean a dog is a “bad” dog because it has reacted by biting, even though that doesn’t make it easier for the pet parents to understand or accept if and when it happens.

Your dog could be wonderful in temperament and under certain circumstances still bite another dog. Or when bitten by another dog, may bite back in self-defense.


Safety first.

Your immediate mission is to remove yourself and your dog safely from the situation and not get bit yourself.

Whatever you do, do not yell when you are taking action. It is a common reaction for you to have but it will only exasperate and accelerate the problem. Take deliberate action calmly.

Be aware there are concerns that we need to eliminate. Although unusual, the transmission of infectious diseases such as rabies must be eliminated as a concern as well as tissue damage and risk of infection.


It is wise to thoroughly check you dog after a biting altercation. Dogs can become ill and small wounds can become fatal.

Be aware that what you see on the outside is not always what you see on the inside when it comes to bite wounds. On the outside – you may only see a small puncture. On the inside – it is possible to have severe life-threatening injuries.

It is not always possible, as an owner may not be present or known, but it is desirable to obtain the contact information of the owner of the dog.

Take note of the approximate age, breed, weight, marking or any other distinguishing characteristics of the dog biting your dog.

Simple wounds may only require clipping of hair and cleaning of the wound and that’s the end to an upsetting situation. Others may require x-rays to determine if there is any underlying damage. A bite wound severe enough could require general anesthesia, sutures, bandages, antibiotics, even hospitalization with intravenous fluids and pain medications.

If there is any chance you could be worried about how an unexpected expense of this magnitude could affect your dog, consider pet insurance. Yes it is an added expense and, as with all insurance, we hope you never have to use it, but if it could mean the difference of you being able to save your dog financially then be honest with your own circumstances and at least check out the cost.

CLICK HERE for a free quote to learn about the benefits of pet insurance.

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Jay Jacovitz, EzineArticles Platinum Author

1-of-a-Kind Product to Help Beat Your Dog’s Cancer — CLICK HERE

Dr. Andrew Jones Shows You How To Slash Your Vet Bills

Are You Poisoning Your Dog? Learn What’s Really In Dog Food


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