Archive for October, 2008

How to Help Your Dog Live Longer, Avoid Cancer and Other Diseases, and Enjoy a Healthier, Happier, More Energetic Life…

The fastest, easiest, and most effective way to do it… make sure your dog has the PROPER NUTRITION it needs every single day.

The “Be All, and End All” Solution.

We want to introduce you to a supplement formulation created by a veterinarian’s research to be the “be all, end all” solution for pet owners who truly want the best for their animals.

Do you know what the fastest growing cause of death in dogs is?

It’s diseases, namely Cancer, caused by the Poor Quality Food your dog eats. More dogs will die of Cancer – caused largely by poor nutrition – than any other disease.

Your Dog is Far More Likely to Get Sick Today Than 10 Years Ago…

“Off the shelf” dog food simply won’t cut it. If you read the ingredients of a can of dog food 10 or 20 years ago, chances are you would see that the main ingredient was “animal protein”.

Today, the main ingredients are typically GRAIN and FAT… which are essentially just filler. They contain very little of the vitamins and minerals that actually make your dog thrive.

And what about the premium food that claims to be “healthy”? Well, there are some decent food products out there for dogs that do meet the “recommended” daily allowances of vitamins and minerals… but remember… these “recommendations” were established by the same industry that creates the food itself, and in many if not most professional medical opinions, they just aren’t enough to keep your dog from becoming sick.

Even if you are making your own dog food at home, it’s still not easy to guarantee it contains everything your dog needs to be in tip-top shape.

Your Dog’s Life is in YOUR Hands!

It’s important for YOU to regularly eat the right amounts from all 5 food groups to keep your body in the best possible condition. It’s an accepted fact that people who do eat properly and get all of their recommended daily allowances look better, live longer, and are far less likely to suffer from disease and are probably far healthier than those who eat recklessly.

The same holds true for your dog.

It’s crucial that you, as a loving owner, provide your dog with the full amount of ALL of the essentials he or she needs, and not just what meets the industry’s so-called “recommendations”.

And, if you think supplements are the answer you are partly correct, but just as with pet food… many of the over-the-counter vitamins and supplements simply don’t contain all of the ingredients and additives your dog needs. In fact, scientific research and testing reveals that most lack sufficient amounts of the essential vitamins and minerals… or leave out important nutrients altogether….

Why do you think that is? You could probably guess the answer. Some of the more important ingredients happen to be the most costly and the most difficult to produce.

A New Way to Ensure Your Dog Gets the Nutrients He or She Needs, Guaranteed… That is a ” Weapon” Against Cancer, Disease, and Premature Death…

This supplement we are talking about contains every single ESSENTIAL vitamin and mineral that is most often lacking in commercial canine diets… along with a HUGE number of KEY ADDITIONS for Joint Health, Intestinal Support, and Immune System Strengthening.

The only supplement on the market designed by a veterinarian… not a big, faceless corporation.

Renowned veterinarian, Dr. Andrew Jones, through extensive research and 15+ years of treating every dog disease imaginable, and years of interviewing the people considered to be the REAL experts on canine nutrition… researching the effects of using one vitamin or nutrient versus another… and figuring out exactly what your dog truly needs to lead a full and healthy life, as well as figuring out what kind of boosters your dog REALLY needs to take its health to the next level…needed to figure out the absolute best ways to…

  • Help your dog strengthen its immune system to the point where no disease stands a chance…
  • Give your dog everything it needs to have healthy, arthritis-free joints and bones.
  • Help ensure proper functioning of the muscles and nerves.
  • Ensure healthy teeth and gums.
  • Slow down the aging process and hardening of tissues.
  • Increase healthy eyesight long into your dog’s golden years.
  • Aid in digestion, and provide nutrients that aid and improve your dog’s metabolism.
  • Speed up the body’s healing process for wounds and possible broken bones.
  • Cut down your dog’s risk of allergies.
  • Decrease your dog’s risk to viral and airborne diseases.
  • And most of all… help PREVENT CANCER.

Dogs of every Age and every Breed will benefit form the Ultimate Canine Health Formula, including treating the most serious health disorders, as well as help set the stage for proper growth and development in younger dogs.

We are thrilled to tell you about “Dr Jones’ Ultimate Canine Health Formula”.

ALL ingredients are Human Grade – which means a Higher Standard than almost ALL other dog supplements.

Once the materials are blended, they are tested again to ensure they match the label claims before formulating the product.

All testing is conducted by an independent 3rd party lab and all manufacturing of Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Canine Formula takes place in an FDA approved facility and complies with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).

In the facility, they do a ton of quality control and 3rd party testing to ensure that the ingredients are exactly as stated, that they are active, and that they contain no harmful bacteria or toxins.

It’s up to YOU.

There is no better and faster way to guarantee with absolute certainty that you are taking the best possible care of your beloved animal. Your dog will love you for it… and you will actually be able to SEE the effects in his or her daily behavior.

This is a terrific product with a terrific story but DON’T Just Trust Our Word… Read What Others are Saying about Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Canine Health Formula and get the rest of the story.


Warm Hearts for Cold Noses,

Jay & Lisa

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Ready for Bed? Your Dog Is

We are truly honored and do not take for granted your giving us a moment of your time, and we will not overstay our welcome.

Our goal is to make available to you quality and value for the things you will likely need, and information to make life with your loved companion better.

We at and are in existence because we wished to honor the memories of some very special companions by being of service to other special companions.

Most pet guardians have evolved over the years through education to understand that our cherished canine companions, no matter how small or large, benefit from having their own bed to satisfy their instinctual den environment desires.

A bed of their own is the answer for providing a den-like sanctuary to help your dogs feel secure when they are emotionally stressed or just fatigued and wanting to rest. If you think about it, people feel the same way about their own beds.

Pressure on the bones and joints has a cumulative damaging effect.

Your dog sleeps a lot – make sure their bed is supportive with as much pressure relief as possible. Comfort and support is important to all living creatures for better sleep and it becomes even more important with advancing age that produces aching muscles and stiff joints.

Orthopedic foam reduces a dog’s tossing and turning up to 90%.

With advancing age comes the slowing of the metabolism making it harder for the body to regulate temperature. A comfortable bed, preferably with the therapeutic support that orthopedic dog beds offer, will improve the quality of life for dogs and cats with hip or elbow dysplasia, arthritis and joint problems associated with large breeds and older dogs, while providing additional warmth to make a difference in how restful your furry companion’s sleep time will be.

The added benefit, besides knowing you are providing a safe, comfortable and appreciated sleep environment, is your canine will be less likely to take refuge and sleep on the furniture. By having its own sleeping space, there will be less dander and dog hair through the house to clean up or to be breathed in by all.

We’ve got a great assortment of pet-healthy specialty beds that provide therapeutic benefits, including the exclusive Constant Companion Megabed and heated pet beds, to keep your furry friend dreaming comfortably all year round.

CLICK HERE to see all the beds we offer.

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Jay Jacovitz, EzineArticles Platinum Author

1-of-a-Kind Product to Help Beat Your Dog’s Cancer — CLICK HERE

Dr. Andrew Jones Shows You How To Slash Your Vet Bills

Are You Poisoning Your Dog? Learn What’s Really In Dog Food


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