A Dedication From The Deepest Regions Of Our Souls

We have existed as a company since 1985, but it was a love of dogs, the dogs that have been a part of our life, and the passing of one dog in particular, that inspired the creation of CalloftheDog website. This site is dedicated to the dogs we have loved so deeply, and who have given us so much love in return. Purebreds and mixed breeds, but mostly rescues in need of a home. We educated them, but each one has had something to teach us in exchange.

To Cinder, Kookie, Vicki, Junior and Shep. To Priscilla, Tiki, Burly and Samantha. To Wolfee, Rusty’s best neighborhood friend, who would wait patiently every morning outside our bedroom patio door for his morning biscuit and for Rusty to come outside and play. To our sister’s dog Cricket, who was wise enough to jump in her car when abandoned and in need of a loving home. To a dear (person) friend Reese, who suddenly and shockingly passed, leaving the hole in our hearts so much larger shortly after our Rusty left us. Reese showed an uncommon kindness to Rusty and to his own canine children, Sugar and Tuffy.

Each spirit being was incredibly wonderful, and the memories left are very powerful and unforgettable. We will learn to live with the fact that they all are now missing in our lives, but we will never fully get over it.

To the one that still leaves a hurt in the heart that we are sure will never heal in full, our beloved Rusty. We wish to believe, with good reason, his spirit is and always will be with us. The creation of this site allows us to have a continued connection to the soul of this four-legged companion around whom our world centered. Rusty’s sixteen and a half years with us has left an indelible impression that will last to the end of our days.

To Dr. Richard McFarland, whose veterinary skills made Rusty’s severe allergies manageable, which allowed him to enjoy a wonderful quality of life that otherwise would have been impossible.

It is also important to mention the kindness, generosity and skill of a wonderful human being and holistic veterinarian, Dr. Neil Wolff, of Greenwich, CT. Our time spent together during Rusty’s acupuncture treatments brought comfort to both patient and his guardians.

To young Bailey, who looked to Rusty as his doggie leader in their walks together, and to Mark, Bailey’s Dad, who, due to his unusual caring, made sure that Rusty’s doggie wheel chair had a mounted safety light for walking at dusk in his “twilight” days with his young buddy Bailey. To Wolfee’s Mom, Edna, who was Rusty’s second Mom and a joy to his heart.

To terrific parents who made most everything possible, and taught us about the richness of having these wonderful canine, and unofficially human, souls share the joys and sorrows of our home over the years.

A special word of thanks to Mark Levin and his companion Sprite who shone the light on a path to help in dealing with what became a profound emotional loss.

The truth is the pain of the losses is huge, and at times almost unbearable, but the memories of those gone from us in the physical realm and those still with us, are and will always be an irreplaceable treasure.

With all our Love that words cannot adequately convey,

Jay and Lisa Jacovitz

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A Missive From An Important Person In Rusty’s Life

Man’s Best Friend

Why does it hurt so much when they leave us?

Could it be that the unconditional love they show us is so needed that when it’s gone we miss it terribly? Is it the non-judgmental acts of kindness that dogs express constantly that we miss? Or, is it the devotion they demonstrate daily that makes us want to return it in kind after they leave us? In many cases it is a combination of these traits and more. What is clear is that when it comes time to say goodbye for the last time a part of us leaves with them and that is where the hurt comes from. Rusty, Jay and Lisa Jacovitz know this to be true.

The enduring relationship that I witnessed between Jay, Lisa and their dog Rusty was nothing short of remarkable. We had many wonderful conversations over the years about how to improve Rusty’s quality of life, about human nature and the world in general. When the day came to put Rusty to sleep, Jay and Lisa tried to muster all the strength and courage they had to let him go. While it was not easy for any of us, I’m sure Rusty would have said if he could as he lay down for the last time — thank you for letting me go and for all the good times.

With respect and gratitude for the time we shared,

Richard McFarland, DVM, FAVD


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